偷得浮生半日闲 ——伦敦顶级酒店里的下午茶文化
撰文/李欣煦 Written by Shirley
“当下午钟敲四下,世上的一切瞬间为茶停止。”这是在英国流行的一句话。据传,英式下午茶传统源自18世纪的英国,由贝尔福德公爵夫人Anna Russell 于1840年所创。有说贝尔福德公爵夫人每逢下午时分都有点闷闷不乐,感到肚子饿却还未到晚餐时间,遂令人预备茶点果腹。后来她开始邀请其他知心好友同享惬意的午后时光及精致茶点。一时间,下午茶在贵族社交圈内蔚然成风,一个百年习俗随之诞生,并流传至今。若能偷得半日闲,不如来品鉴一番伦敦当红的时尚午茶吧。
伦敦朗廷酒店以讲究的环境,典雅的情调而闻名。酒店开业之初即开创了英式下午茶服务的先河,是英国乃至全世界第一个供应下午茶服务的酒店。初期的下午茶在餐牌上称为“Teas, Plain”,除了一杯讲究的香茶外,酒店还供应蛋糕、糖果、面包配牛油等茶点。点心种类虽较简单,但制作卖相却绝对一丝不苟,非常精致考究。高档的茶具——细瓷杯碟或银质茶具,茶壶、过滤网、茶盘、茶匙、茶刀、三层点心架、饼干夹、糖罐、奶盅瓶、水果盘、切柠檬器,每件器皿全都擦得锃亮,银光闪闪,晶莹剔透。在缺乏阳光的英国,银质茶具总是透着人们对阳光的渴望。
为了配合镜屋的艺术品位,镜屋的面点主厨Mark Perkins先生以伦敦生机勃勃且独树一帜的艺术氛围为灵感,创作出了五种造型别致,色彩鲜明的艺术主题茶点来招待前来享用下午茶的宾客。以别具一格的艺术主题下午茶点,以此致敬五位著名的当代艺术大师:日本艺术家草间弥生、美国雕塑家亚历山大·考尔德、美国抽象派画家马克·罗斯科、英国当代艺术家达米恩·赫斯特和英国涂鸦艺术家班克斯。
Enjoy the Best Afternoon Tea in London’s Hotels
The Most Classic: The Langham London
Located in the heart of West End, the five-star Langham hotel has one of London's most enviable addresses. Commanding a position at the top of Regent Street, take a break from a hard day of shopping to enjoy the tradition of afternoon tea, served in Palm Court, which is the height of elegance, reflected in the wooden floors, the lavender and sage leather chairs and fresh flowers at every turn. The center piece of the hotel, the dazzling Palm Court is famed as the place where the tradition of Afternoon Tea was born over 150 years ago, an indulgence that lives on today.
The Most Artistic: Rosewood London
Voted as the Best Contemporary Afternoon Tea in the UK, Rosewood London’s Art Afternoon Tea is inspired by London’s vibrant art scene featuring five of the most iconic modern artists including Yayoi Kusama, Damien Hirst, Alexander Calder, Banksy and Mark Rothko. Served within the elegant Mirror Room, our art-inspired afternoon tea includes a selection of mouth-watering finger sandwiches, freshly baked scones and loose-leaf teas accompanied by an art-inspired pastry, created by Executive Pastry Chef, Mark Perkins.
The Most Interesting: Sanderson’s Mad Hatters Afternoon Tea
Sanderson invites you to tumble down the rabbit hole and discover a tea party beyond your wildest imagination. Expect to be reminded of familiar characters and recall childhood tales along the way. Discover menus hidden inside vintage books, teapots adorned with kings and queens and sandwich plates decorated with zebras, birdcages and ticking clocks. Mad Hatters Afternoon Tea has had a suitably whimsical refresh with new sweet and savoury dishes to delight your senses. Starting with delicious savoury bites on offer from smoked salmon quails egg with caviar and cream cheese to melt-in-your-mouth King of Hearts parmesan croque-monsieur stack, along with afternoon tea classics with a twist before moving onto the main event.
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