伊恩施拉格 传奇经历 精品人生
撰文/李欣煦 Written by Shirley
Public创始人/Edition 创意总监
Ian Schrager
酒店引领生活方式,而伊恩施拉格引领酒店风尚。从传奇夜店老板到精品酒店之父,伊恩施拉格半生沉浮商海,创新无往不利。在过去 30 年间,他重新“发明”了酒店,一路走来,他是自己箴言的最好践行者:“打破常规,但在细节上永不妥协。”
Studio 54: 梦开始的地方
今年年初,于洛杉矶召开的美国酒店业投资峰会上,国际酒店顾问协会授予伊恩施拉格“第二十二届年度行业先锋”,以感谢其为酒店行业带来的改变,和他仍然在为即将到来的“改变”而进行的努力。很少有人像施拉格一样能对大众文化产生如此深远的影响,他改变了我们的生活方式,甚至是我们看待世界的方式。而这种改革创新的本领和精神,则要追溯到传奇故事的起点,Studio 54。
1977年,施拉格决定离开从事了三年的法律行业,与大学同窗兼好友鲁贝尔一起打造了Studio 5。从一开始,施拉格就意识到,要在梦幻大都市纽约立足,Studio 54就要找到属于自己的消费主体,“Studio 54,并不是为了‘所有人’而生,而是为了新一代,生活闲适、有着更自由姿态的人,愿意享受 drama 的人 ”。正是这种对于消费者心理的敏锐直觉,让Studio 54成了在纽约夜店和社交历史上的一个传奇。全盛时期,名模、艺术家、摇滚明星、演员、设计师、政治家都是它的常客,它逐渐成为了一种名流指标。Studio的成功,也让施拉格和他的伙伴感受到了一日爆红的滋味,他自己回忆当年和鲁贝尔“像两个无畏的孩子,在恰当的时候出现在恰当的地方,操着闪电铸就的利剑掀起俱乐部领域的风暴。”而这种大获成功却让两个年轻人了迷失方向,被成功和金钱冲昏了头的施拉格和鲁贝尔因偷税被捕,13个月后出狱时,他们的大部分资产被剥夺,他们不得不出售Studio 54来偿还欠债。
伊恩施拉格(右)与合伙创始人鲁贝尔在Studio 54门前
1980年,现在的美国总统特朗普正在筹建他人生中的第一家酒店纽约君悦,纽约的酒店业正走到一个蓬勃发展的风口。正是这种竞争的气氛,让施拉格决定投身于酒店行业,在他看来,纽约大部分酒店项目乏善可陈,按着常规且低效的方式运作着。“一切好像被管理得井井有条,一家家酒店看起来都一模一样,大家认为雷同是美德,没人关心体验之类的。”于是施拉格决定将Studio 54所带动的流行文化运用到酒店。“当时就是要把我们所创造的新的体验形态与当时市面上的大型连锁酒店作出明确的分野。结果我们也确实的改变了酒店市场的生态。
在摩根酒店的设计中,施拉格运用了大量当年塑造Studio 54时期积累下来的经验和理念,时尚的黑白装饰风格,每个房间的墙上都挂着摄影师罗伯特·梅普尔索普的作品,酒店工作人员全都从模特和演员经纪公司雇来,这些都使得摩根大获成功,吸引了众多名人。夜店经营的经验让施拉格非常看重公共区域的打造,摩根酒店的公共空间可谓夸张华丽,天马行空。在施拉格看来,酒店大堂曾经是社交活动的中心,如今,对公共空间的强调正是对酒店大堂过去角色的回归。施拉格对于住客体验的看重,设计感的重视和公共空间的打造至今依然深深影响着酒店行业。
摩根酒店的成功让施拉格不断的在酒店领域开拓新的天地,接下来的十年,施拉格成为纽约最大的私人酒店经营者。直到1998年,喜达屋集团的W品牌成功地将施拉格的奇特概念运用到连锁酒店中,最终在酒店数量和覆盖范围上都超过了摩根。同年,NorthStar资本投资公司从施拉格手中收购了摩根 84%的股份。施拉格继续担任公司的首席执行。但施拉格并不适应自己的新角色,并在2005年选择离开,“我喜欢打造酒店。我不想管理一家上市公司。”
离开摩根之后,施拉格成立了自己的同名公司。伊恩施拉格公司的第一个项目是纽约著名的Gramercy Park酒店。施拉格买下这家酒店后,在艺术家兼电影导演朱利安·施纳贝尔的帮助下,进行了翻修改建。Gramercy不像他以前的酒店那样大搞噱头,而是为更精致、更奢华市场打造的产品,正是这个成熟版的施拉格风格酒店吸引了万豪的首席执行官比尔·马里奥特的注意。Gramercy Park让马里奥特意识到,施拉格不仅有能力服务千禧一代,也能针对年龄更大的消费者。”
2007年,万豪将与施拉格合作推出Edition品牌,施拉格将带领一个建筑师和设计师团队,为每个酒店设计出不同的风格;所有酒店将由万豪国际来经营。“如果说伊恩施拉格的成功有何遗憾,那应该是‘规模’,在此以前,他拥有不过十数家酒店。而跟我们合作就是给他酒店生涯的一个完满答案。”万豪国际集团主席苏励安这样评论道。EDITION的诞生翻开了生活风尚类酒店的新篇章。施拉格秉持了自己的一贯风格,并与万豪的国际性及运营相结合,赋予了 EDITION 酒店更为丰富的多彩元素,营造出个性十足、别具风格的酒店体验。 “伊施拉格的理念颠覆了传统的夜生活和酒店业。他一次又一次成功地让人们融入其中,感受他所创造的全新独特体验。”马里奥特如是说。
日前,一间拥有370间客房的全新精品酒店在纽约曼哈顿下东区揭开帷幕。酒店举办了场1500人的开业大派对,客人们直接从第一天晚上狂欢到第二天下午,在酒店从上到下玩翻了天。酒店座落在Chrystie街215号,名叫Public New York这是真正意义上伊恩施拉格的第一间独立酒店。
这一次,施拉格希望脱离高端酒店一贯喜欢打出来的招牌服务,专注于“真正重要的,且是客户需要的”细节,与以往由施拉格操刀的大部分四星四星半精品酒店不同,Public NYC的定位只有三星半,不过其设计精巧程度与精品酒店相比有过之而无不及。也正因为定位不那么高冷,这间酒店也非常亲民。即便有着金光闪闪的电梯,装点豪华的公共空间以及精细打磨的客房设计,纽约基础房型的价格也只有150美元一晚,这在曼哈顿的黄金地段几乎是打着灯笼也难找到的。“我的想法是塑造平民奢华”,施拉格说,Public NYC高性价比背后透露出“人民酒店”的民主,更在于它身上折射出施拉格对于下一代精品酒店设计和运营的思考。“这是我生涯中最重要的想法”。
施拉格说:“当我第一次进入酒店业时,我受到的,是娱乐业或时尚业的启发,而不是酒店业务。现在我又受到了技术行业的启发。”在Public NYC,客人并不会看到传统的的酒店服务生,取代他们的是一个经过专门培训的公共部门团队,可以随时响应客户们的需求,但更多时候,施拉格希望客人们能够通过 Public 自行开发的应用程序解决基础问题,比如使用 MobileKey 解锁客房,在 App 上订购酒店内餐厅的食品和饮品等等。
“平民奢华”是施拉格为整间酒店定下的基调,除了配备做足细节感的客房之外,Public NYC的公共空间才是真正试图吸引顾客的部分。这里引入了包括餐厅、杂货店、精品店、咖啡馆、酒吧、露台、户外花园等多种业态和空间。施拉格表示:“ Public是一处小天地,容纳了这个城市所能够提供的一切,它有着 Airbnb 不能提供的社交公共空间。这才是酒店业的未来,人们希望他们花出去的钱是值得的,你在这里享受到的夜晚是完整的,没有必要离开这里去到别的地方。”
施拉格试图用醒目的设计、便利性、高效和活跃的公众社交空间定义新鲜的豪华酒店体验。这一次,他不再想着颠覆传统酒店业,而是把竞争的视角直接瞄准了 Airbnb。但他看来 ,与一个强大的对手竞争的最佳方式就是提供另一种强大的想法,他想做的就是提供一个社交空间,因为这是 Airbnb 做不到的。
或许在不久的将来,我们能在新一代的精品酒店中,看到Public NYC的影子。
Ian Schrager:The Game Changer of Hospitality
As the father of Boutique Hotel, it is possible that Ian Schrager has done more to bring design to the travel experience than any other living person-single-handedly reinventing the hotel as a site of electrifying cultural significance
Studio 54: Keen Instincts for the Feel of Popular Culture
Boutique hotelier Ian Schrager has won the 2017 Pioneer Award by ISHC for “his outstanding impact on the hospitality industry” and his longstanding support for design-led hotels.
For over 5 decades, since the 70s, Ian Schrager has achieved international recognition for concepts that have revolutionized the hospitality and residential industries. Few people, if any, have had the impact on popular culture that Ian Schrager has. He has changed the way we live our lives, entertain ourselves and even how we see the world. He has single-handedly changed industries.
His passionate commitment to the modern lifestyle has been expressed through a series of pioneering concepts and the creation of numerous original innovations in the industries he has touched. These innovations have become standards and continue to be imitated throughout the world.
His keen instincts for the mood and feel of popular culture were honed during the 70s and 80s, when he and his late business partner, Steve Rubell, created the legendary and groundbreaking Studio 54. In January 1977, Schrager and Rubell signed the lease for Studio 54. They dramatically reinvented the club's environment, size and design multiple times a night, creating new and exciting sets that completely transformed the space into something new. However, on January 18, 1980, they were sentenced to three and a half years in prison and Studio 54 was sold in November of that year for $4.75 million.
Morgans: the First Ever Boutique Hotel
In the 1980s, Schrager and his business partner Rubell turned their attention to hotels and found that their "on the pulse," keen instincts for the mood and feel of popular culture gave them a unique perspective that would allow them to significantly impact the hospitality industry just as they had done with nightlife. Their first hotel, Morgans, opened in 1984 and was an instant hit, introducing the concept of the "boutique hotel" to the world. The partners saw the opportunity to challenge the traditional "take no offense" white box and mass-market mentality in favor of something more unique, daring and original-something that gave people an elevated experience and elicited an emotional, visceral reaction. What was accomplished, for the first time, was that a hotel could appeal to a sensibility no matter what age, economic status, where one lived or their occupation, and be freed from the constraints of traditional demographics. The entire hotel industry was turned on its head.
Part visionary, part social scientist, part businessman with a gift for seamlessly integrating art and commerce, everything Ian Schrager has accomplished chronicled the cultural narrative of that time and has been an unequivocal success. His projects became forever engrained in the fabric of city life and are as relevant today as they were when he first created them.
Edition: the Marriage with Marriott
If is for this reason that Bill Marriott chose him as a partner, when he could have chosen anybody in the world, to catapult the giant hotel company into the lifestyle space. Schrager who never cared about scale or global expansion, thought it would be a fun thing to try. Envisioned by Ian Schrager and Marriott International, EDITION is a personal and unique hotel experience, and it is a collaboration that has served us and our guests well. Located in gateway cities throughout the world, these are hotels where you’ll find guests rubbing elbows with locals because there’s no better place to be in the moment. Hotels that feel different because they make you feel something. Hotels that don’t act like hotels. Schrager has said that the desire is to infuse emotion into a check-in/check-out world by bringing each location to life in an intimate, seductive environment.
With a perfect mix of authentic design and gracious, sophisticated personalized service. All created to give our guests a feeling of being somewhere so special, it may only be known to them.
PUBLIC: the Next Generation of Boutique Hotels
Schrager's brand PUBLIC Hotels, for which is he more excited than when he invented the boutique hotel space 25 years ago, is destined to have the same cultural impact. Schrager defined PUBLIC as “Luxury for all”, which is a further evolution of what he started. Although with the same sex appeal, visual provocation and excitement as his previous hotels, it gets down to the basics, no pretense or artifice-just great style, great service and great value. PUBLIC is friendly, accessible, inviting and approachable and you don't need to sacrifice anything to stay in the coolest place in town. This brand is responding to an oversaturated overpriced market of wannabes, replicas, and "design on steroid" hotels that have no distinct vision or nothing much to say, if anything.
With new openings of his PUBLIC brand, several luxury residential projects under development in New York City, a visual essay of Studio 54 with Rizzoli, a documentary film on Studio 54, a memoir, and 21 EDITION hotels around the world in the pipeline under his partnership with Marriott, now is the ideal time to acknowledge his 5 successful decades in the business. He has undoubtedly secured his reputation and iconic status not for celebrity's sake, but rather for the significance and relevance of his work. He is and will always be, the original original.
Not resting on past successes and with the hunger, curiosity, ambition and fearlessness to go off into unchartered territory, Ian Schrager's best work is still to come, and in true Schrager fashion, he is saving his best for last.
Studio 54: Keen Instincts for the Feel of Popular Culture
Boutique hotelier Ian Schrager has won the 2017 Pioneer Award by ISHC for “his outstanding impact on the hospitality industry” and his longstanding support for design-led hotels.
For over 5 decades, since the 70s, Ian Schrager has achieved international recognition for concepts that have revolutionized the hospitality and residential industries. Few people, if any, have had the impact on popular culture that Ian Schrager has. He has changed the way we live our lives, entertain ourselves and even how we see the world. He has single-handedly changed industries.
His passionate commitment to the modern lifestyle has been expressed through a series of pioneering concepts and the creation of numerous original innovations in the industries he has touched. These innovations have become standards and continue to be imitated throughout the world.
His keen instincts for the mood and feel of popular culture were honed during the 70s and 80s, when he and his late business partner, Steve Rubell, created the legendary and groundbreaking Studio 54. In January 1977, Schrager and Rubell signed the lease for Studio 54. They dramatically reinvented the club's environment, size and design multiple times a night, creating new and exciting sets that completely transformed the space into something new. However, on January 18, 1980, they were sentenced to three and a half years in prison and Studio 54 was sold in November of that year for $4.75 million.
Morgans: the First Ever Boutique Hotel
In the 1980s, Schrager and his business partner Rubell turned their attention to hotels and found that their "on the pulse," keen instincts for the mood and feel of popular culture gave them a unique perspective that would allow them to significantly impact the hospitality industry just as they had done with nightlife. Their first hotel, Morgans, opened in 1984 and was an instant hit, introducing the concept of the "boutique hotel" to the world. The partners saw the opportunity to challenge the traditional "take no offense" white box and mass-market mentality in favor of something more unique, daring and original-something that gave people an elevated experience and elicited an emotional, visceral reaction. What was accomplished, for the first time, was that a hotel could appeal to a sensibility no matter what age, economic status, where one lived or their occupation, and be freed from the constraints of traditional demographics. The entire hotel industry was turned on its head.
Part visionary, part social scientist, part businessman with a gift for seamlessly integrating art and commerce, everything Ian Schrager has accomplished chronicled the cultural narrative of that time and has been an unequivocal success. His projects became forever engrained in the fabric of city life and are as relevant today as they were when he first created them.
Edition: the Marriage with Marriott
If is for this reason that Bill Marriott chose him as a partner, when he could have chosen anybody in the world, to catapult the giant hotel company into the lifestyle space. Schrager who never cared about scale or global expansion, thought it would be a fun thing to try. Envisioned by Ian Schrager and Marriott International, EDITION is a personal and unique hotel experience, and it is a collaboration that has served us and our guests well. Located in gateway cities throughout the world, these are hotels where you’ll find guests rubbing elbows with locals because there’s no better place to be in the moment. Hotels that feel different because they make you feel something. Hotels that don’t act like hotels. Schrager has said that the desire is to infuse emotion into a check-in/check-out world by bringing each location to life in an intimate, seductive environment.
With a perfect mix of authentic design and gracious, sophisticated personalized service. All created to give our guests a feeling of being somewhere so special, it may only be known to them.
PUBLIC: the Next Generation of Boutique Hotels
Schrager's brand PUBLIC Hotels, for which is he more excited than when he invented the boutique hotel space 25 years ago, is destined to have the same cultural impact. Schrager defined PUBLIC as “Luxury for all”, which is a further evolution of what he started. Although with the same sex appeal, visual provocation and excitement as his previous hotels, it gets down to the basics, no pretense or artifice-just great style, great service and great value. PUBLIC is friendly, accessible, inviting and approachable and you don't need to sacrifice anything to stay in the coolest place in town. This brand is responding to an oversaturated overpriced market of wannabes, replicas, and "design on steroid" hotels that have no distinct vision or nothing much to say, if anything.
With new openings of his PUBLIC brand, several luxury residential projects under development in New York City, a visual essay of Studio 54 with Rizzoli, a documentary film on Studio 54, a memoir, and 21 EDITION hotels around the world in the pipeline under his partnership with Marriott, now is the ideal time to acknowledge his 5 successful decades in the business. He has undoubtedly secured his reputation and iconic status not for celebrity's sake, but rather for the significance and relevance of his work. He is and will always be, the original original.
Not resting on past successes and with the hunger, curiosity, ambition and fearlessness to go off into unchartered territory, Ian Schrager's best work is still to come, and in true Schrager fashion, he is saving his best for last.
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