戈壁沙漠 莲花初绽
撰文/张泽坤 Written by Alan
由PLAT ASIA团队全程设计的响沙湾莲花酒店,经过十年的规划建造,无数次的探索,于2016年成功开业,是全球首个不用砖、瓦、沙、石、水泥、钢筋而建的绿色建筑。
“沙漠建筑是迄今为止没人触及到的一个领域。” PLAT ASIA创始人郑东贤表示,为将莲花酒店打造出符合鄂尔多斯的特色风貌,设计团队最终锁定‘沙漠度假’这一概念,将沙漠比作大海,建筑则化身为漂浮于大海中的船只。不与沙漠进行对抗,而是选择性的适应。“怎么将偌大的酒店建筑于‘流动’的沙漠上,这是全球性建筑技术难题,我们进行了很多研究和摸索,包括建筑造型、施工技术、节能环保在内的所有可能性,最终以板材作出全新的突破。”
与南方注重“建筑消失于自然中”的哲学不同,北方幅员开阔,特别是沙漠,还具有广袤可吞噬一切的豪迈,因此,PLAT ASIA笔下的建筑,是与自然建立一种平等共生的存在。
“沙漠建筑”的概念应不仅仅讲求构造、施工性,还应考虑到空间。PLAT早在建筑方案开始考虑的时候 ,室内设计与建筑方案构思就同时起步,并将体验沙漠文化与本土文化作为主题。
A Lotus in the Desert
China's Xiangshawan Resort
China's Xiangshawan Resort
Lotus Hotel is located in Xiangshawan Desert. Due to the restriction by its special geographic condition, PLAT Architects invented a new structural system that fix in fluid sands using only steel panels without the help of concrete or water. The panels and the supporting skeleton structures are pre-fabricated, and make the base of the building a large container for sands. Thus, the steel panel structure can function as a boat floating on desert that carries the building. The sands in and out of the structure exert same forces to each other, and thus it is flexibly stabilized. Also, walls are load-bearing structures in order to reduce the pressure on base.
Moreover, architects use local materials in interior design so that people get full experience of desert in Lotus Hotel. For instance, through a series of experiments, they managed to invent a wall-covering material that is made of sands from local desert.
The form of Lotus Hotel not only blends in the desert, but also exhibits a power of the environment and itself. Architects used the traditional Chinese idea of “Zhen”, which is, in simple words, the art of repeating same elements. Rotation of squares in a same angle creates triangles in the process, and made the form stronger. In consideration of structure, shading and wind, architects integrated function, form and landscape, resulting in a form of lotus.
Lotus Hotel is only a part of Xiangshawan Desert planning. There will be more such as sustainable tourism in desert, and developing more desert architecture. PLAT Architects is targeting for net-zero sustainable architecture that generates electricity and water in its own system enough for supply.
Moreover, architects use local materials in interior design so that people get full experience of desert in Lotus Hotel. For instance, through a series of experiments, they managed to invent a wall-covering material that is made of sands from local desert.
The form of Lotus Hotel not only blends in the desert, but also exhibits a power of the environment and itself. Architects used the traditional Chinese idea of “Zhen”, which is, in simple words, the art of repeating same elements. Rotation of squares in a same angle creates triangles in the process, and made the form stronger. In consideration of structure, shading and wind, architects integrated function, form and landscape, resulting in a form of lotus.
Lotus Hotel is only a part of Xiangshawan Desert planning. There will be more such as sustainable tourism in desert, and developing more desert architecture. PLAT Architects is targeting for net-zero sustainable architecture that generates electricity and water in its own system enough for supply.
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